About Me


Nice to meet you! I'm Hope Davidson. I'm twenty-two years old and I live in Waxhaw, North Carolina. I am a passionate Christian- I love Jesus!

I was born in Louisville Kentucky, a middle kid in a big family full of artistic creativity. Homeschooled growing up, my mom cultivated a love of learning in me and a safe environment to grow and try new things. I had many different interests! I loved books, horses, singing, doodling art, a little "exploring" in the backyard, and making up fictional characters and stories with my sisters. My creative writing stemmed from reading books I enjoyed, and was inspired by the imagination in me and my siblings.

After graduating highschool, I discovered my passion for makeup artistry. I enrolled in the Master Makeup Artist Program at Online Makeup Academy and completed the course- and became a certified makeup artist!

As both a writer and a makeup artist, finding beauty and giving it creative expression is what I love to do. Writing stories that are uplifting in a bogged down world. Enhancing someone's special, God-given, one-of-a-kind beauty with the art of makeup. God has created so much beauty of all different kinds for us to enjoy and explore, and it gives me so much joy! A joy that I am honored to share with you.

Some of my favorite authors are Robin McKinley, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Sherwood Smith, and Grace Lin. They are a big inspiration to me in all things writing.

Thanks for coming to my website, Kibou Story!

Be blessed.

